Why Do Frenchies Lick So Much?

French Bulldogs, affectionately known as Frenchies, are adorable and lovable companion dogs that have gained immense popularity in recent years. One behavior commonly observed in French Bulldogs is their tendency to lick their owners and themselves excessively.

While licking is a natural behavior for dogs, you may wonder why Frenchies engage in this behavior more frequently than other breeds.

In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the excessive licking behavior of French Bulldogs and shed light on the factors that contribute to this common canine habit.

  1. Communication and Affection:

Licking is a form of communication and affection for dogs. French Bulldogs, like many other dog breeds, use licking as a means of expressing their emotions and conveying their affection towards their owners. It is their way of showing love, gratitude, and a desire for social interaction. When your Frenchie licks you, it is a sign that they enjoy your company and want to establish a bond with you.

  1. Grooming and Cleaning:

Licking is an innate grooming behavior for dogs. French Bulldogs are known to be relatively clean dogs that are meticulous about their personal hygiene. Excessive licking may indicate that your Frenchie is engaged in self-grooming, trying to keep their coat and skin clean. It is their way of removing dirt, debris, and odors from their fur.

  1. Itchy or Irritated Skin:

Excessive licking in French Bulldogs can also be a sign of skin irritation or discomfort. Frenchies are prone to skin allergies and sensitivities, which can lead to itchiness or irritation. Licking is their attempt to alleviate the discomfort by soothing and scratching the affected area. If you notice your Frenchie excessively licking certain body parts or showing signs of redness or irritation, it is essential to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying skin conditions.

  1. Attention-Seeking Behavior:

French Bulldogs are social animals that thrive on attention and companionship. Excessive licking can be a way for your Frenchie to seek attention from you. If they notice that licking prompts a response from you, such as petting or verbal interaction, they may continue the behavior as a means of getting your attention and affection.

  1. Boredom or Anxiety:

Licking can also be a result of boredom or anxiety in French Bulldogs. When dogs are not mentally or physically stimulated enough, they may engage in repetitive behaviors like licking to alleviate their restlessness or anxiety. Providing your Frenchie with adequate mental and physical stimulation, such as interactive toys, regular exercise, and playtime, can help redirect their focus and reduce excessive licking due to boredom or anxiety.

  1. Taste and Sensation:

Licking can be pleasurable for dogs due to the taste and sensation it provides. French Bulldogs may lick surfaces or objects simply because they find them interesting or enjoyable. Additionally, the act of licking releases endorphins in dogs, which can create a pleasurable sensation and serve as a self-soothing mechanism.

  1. Habitual Behavior:

In some cases, excessive licking in French Bulldogs can become a habitual behavior that they engage in out of routine or comfort. It may have started as a response to a specific situation or stimulus and gradually developed into a repetitive habit. Identifying and addressing the underlying cause of the behavior, such as boredom or anxiety, can help break the cycle of excessive licking.


Excessive licking behavior is common in French Bulldogs and can be attributed to various factors, including communication and affection, grooming instincts, skin irritation, attention-seeking, boredom, or habitual behavior.

While licking is a natural behavior for dogs, it is important to monitor your Frenchie’s licking habits and seek veterinary advice if it becomes excessive, focused on specific areas, or accompanied by signs of skin irritation.

By understanding the reasons behind their licking behavior, you can better respond to your Frenchie’s needs and ensure their overall well-being and happiness.